Know This Before Sending Your Email Campaign

Campaign monitor defines an email campaign as a coordinated set of individual email messages that are deployed across a specific period with one specific purpose. These specific purposes or calls-to-action (CTAs) can include the following: download a white paper, sign up for a webinar, or make a purchase.

Sending email campaigns might be quite easy but you have to be mindful of these points before sending your campaign. 


1. Know why you are sending the campaign: We don't just wake up and suddenly decide, you gonna send a campaign today, before sending campaigns you got to know why you want to send the campaign. Read the definition of an email campaign by campaign monitor, as a coordinated set of individual email messages that are deployed across a specific period with one specific purpose. So when sending campaigns it should have a particular purpose, know why you are sending the campaign. 

For example: 

• You send campaigns to future clients to: 

1. Create / Build awareness of your brand.

2. Convert your Subscribers into potential customers.

3. Create awareness of a particular product.

4. Create interest in your product.

• You send campaigns to existing clients to:

1. Enlighten them on a product.

2. To welcome new subscribers/ users.

3. Create engagement.

4. Re-engage inactive customers.

5. Make an announcement.

2. Build personal relationships with your subscribers: Let your subscribers know. Stop changing your sender's name, because email users before opening an email check who is sending the email first before considering reading the subject line, if you keep on changing your sender's name, it can be a turn-off. Same with the logo, let them get used to a particular logo of your brand. 

3. Be short and specific: Stop writing long body content it might get the reader bored, and might quit before the CTA. You can even tell stories that will catch the reader's attention, talk about how your brand has helped people, and you can even drop customers' reviews just to keep that vibe flowing. Learn to be short, always have a specific CTA stop beating around the bush. Make it clear what you want them to do for you, that will benefit them too. It is advisable to have one CTA in your body content, if you have more than one you can use them in different campaigns. 

4. Write a good and catchy subject line: A good subject line can serve as bait to lure subscribers to open your email. While writing or sending emails your subject line shouldn't have more than 40-70 characters, iPhone shows 40-50 characters as a subject line and Gmail shows 65-70 characters, so while sending emails you should be mindful of how many characters you are using. While writing emails your subject lines should always have a clear value, let your subscribers know the body content of your email by just reading the subject line, you can use emojis to show excitement or any expression, instead of using symbols. 

For example:

• See what I got for you 🤭

Instead of 

• See what I got for you!!!!!!

Using symbols for expression can trigger spam. 

Subject lines shouldn't be capitalized throughout, it's advisable you use capital letters starting every word, and don't go and write your subject line in small characters doesn't make sense.

For example:

• See what I got for you ✔

• See What I Got For You ✔ [Advisable]

Don't use this:


• see what I got for you ✖

"SEE WHAT I GOT FOR YOU" can trigger spam be mindful of your email contents, every email marketer hates a spam folder, it sucks! the worst place your email should be. 

5. Choosing the right time to send your campaigns: That is why it's advisable to know your customers, the best way to do that is by A/B testing. Statistics show that Tuesdays and Thursdays are hot days to send marketing emails.  Tuesday and Wednesday 8-10 were the worst time to send newsletters with less than a 5 percent open rate, then Thursday morning between 8 and 9 has the best email open rate of over 25 percent. It might not work for you but you should A/B test to know what works for you. 

Read Sending the right emails to understand this point

6. last but not least, Avoid spam folders: No email marketer likes the spam folder, it's the worst enemy of every email marketer, the spam folder is always waiting for who's going to fall into its trap. 

Read how to improve your email deliverability, to gain more knowledge.

It's not advisable to send attachments using bulk email services it triggers spam.


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