
4 Ways To Get Started With Email Marketing.

Email Marketing is very easy to start up,  as long as you know why you are sending the email.  Here are 4 ways to get you started:  1. Understand the goal of your email campaign: Before sending out your email campaigns you should ask yourself these three things:  a.  Why am I sending this email campaign?  b. What will I achieve when I send out the email campaign?  c. What action do you want your reader to take,  after reading the email campaign?   Understanding the goal of your email campaign helps you to achieve better results because you have a specific CTA you want your recipient to respond to. Emails with no specific CTAs make the reader confused. Here are some reasons why we send out campaigns: a. Brand awareness.  b. Get traffic to our website.  c. Increase revenue.  d. Feedback and surveys  e. Lead nurturing.   f. Boost brand engagement.  g. Establish brand authority.  When sending campaigns,  you can't just send all your goals in the same campaign, in each campaign you are

Escaping Spam Traps.

Due to the increase in spammers, Internet Service providers, (ISPs) and Anti-spam organizations, use spam traps to entice spammers, you don't need to be a spammer before falling into a spam trap, anybody can fall into a spam trap, nobody is exempted, as long as you didn't follow the rules and guidelines you have to face the consequences. Falling into a spam trap affects your sending reputation and email deliverability. The joy of every email marketer is to send emails that land directly in the user's inbox.  How Do I Escape Spam Traps  1. Stop scraping emails: Scraping emails from websites can be the easiest but the most dangerous thing to do while growing your email list, while scraping emails we don't know which email address is dormant or active, quite alright Clearout checks if an email address is dormant or active, but let's do things the right way, those people you are scraping didn't sign up to hear from you. The anti-spam organization embeds email addr

Know This Before Sending Your Email Campaign

Campaign monitor defines an email campaign as a coordinated set of individual email messages that are deployed across a specific period with one specific purpose. These specific purposes or calls-to-action (CTAs) can include the following: download a white paper, sign up for a webinar, or make a purchase. Sending email campaigns might be quite easy but you have to be mindful of these points before sending your campaign.  BEFORE SENDING EMAILS YOU SHOULD NOTE THIS: 1. Know why you are sending the campaign: We don't just wake up and suddenly decide, you gonna send a campaign today, before sending campaigns you got to know why you want to send the campaign. Read the definition of an email campaign by campaign monitor, as a coordinated set of individual email messages that are deployed across a specific period with one specific purpose. So when sending campaigns it should have a particular purpose, know why you are sending the campaign.  For example:  • You send campaigns to future cli

Email Marketing Secret For Getting 5× Subscribers

  An email list is a collection of email addresses of those who subscribed to your blog, newsletters, website, or the one you gather from people in person by giving them your business card. They do subscribe because they want to stay connected and get the latest updates about your blog, newsletters, or website.  A survey by eConsultancy revealed that most legit marketers still consider email to be their strongest performing channel for driving sales (no surprise). Ways to get 5× subscribers  1. Create a contextual content offer: Creating offers isn't the only thing but creating offers on what the person is reading about. For instance, if You are reading about how to grow your email list, and an opt-in form comes up with how to improve your email deliverability, you would lose interest, because it the not what you want, but if you see an opt-in form that comes with how to grow your email list, you will be motivated to go for it, making you subscribe to the email list, as simple as t

5 Ways To Build Your Email List

An email list is a collection of email addresses of those who subscribed to your blog, newsletters, website, or the one you gather from people in person by giving them your business card. They do subscribe because they want to stay connected and get the latest updates about your blog, newsletters, or website.  The main purpose of building an email list is to increase your leads. In the email marketing world, the email list is very important. As an e-commerce owner, having a large and healthy email list can boost sales and revenue. It's never advisable to buy an email list because, the list you are buying might have inactive email addresses, and can affect your deliverability. I see buying an email list as a spam trap.  It's important to get visitors to your website before you can build your email list because it's only your visitors that can build your email list for you. Try as much as possible to get visitors flowing into your website. The best way to build traffic or get

Creating CTAs That Can Help Bulid Your Ecommerce Business

When sending emails, there is a particular thing you want your customers to do. Every email serves a purpose. There’s always something you want the recipient to do after reading your content. For eCommerce businesses, that typically involves getting shoppers to visit your online store, use a promo, or sign up for an exclusive offer. In eCommerce  But you can’t just leave your recipients to decide on what to do after reading your message. If you want your email campaigns to truly succeed, you need to use a call to action, to lead your readers in the right direction. While sending emails we should have 2-3 CTAs, research shows that emails with 2-3 CTAs perform better than emails with more than 3 CTAs. Calls to action need to be clear and compelling, especially in eCommerce where the right CTA can be the main driver of revenue.  Always place your CTA where your reader will already be convinced and ready to take the next step. Use words that incite a sense of urgency and let your readers f

How A Good Email Should Look Like

 Sending emails might be quite boring and hard if you don't know how to go about it. To send a good and highly converting email, it should have these features: 1. Your emails should spark curiosity with the subject lines: Stop sending emails that won't make the recipient eager to open the email.             Way to write subject lines that can spark curiosity. A. Present scarcity: It has been a working principle for marketers, the scarcity principle has long been an effective marketing strategy to encourage action. E.g:               • Sales end tomorrow!                • 30% off today only!                • Coupon expires in 24 hours!               • Discount offer is just for today!  Sending these subject lines keeps your customer curious, he/she wants to know about the sales that are going to end tomorrow, and he/she wants to know the coupon that's expiring in 24 hours. That subject line would catch the eyeballs of the reader.   B.  When making an announcement, write in a

How To Improve Your Email Deliverability

  Email deliverability measures whether your emails enter your recipient's inbox or enter spam. Checking your email deliverability matters because when your emails aren't entering the recipient's inbox directly, your open and click rate will be negatively affected, once your open and click rate is negatively affected, you can't reach your audience to get them to do what you want.  Here are a few common ways to improve your deliverability: 1. Clean your email list regularly: Cleaning your email list is one of the best ways to improve your deliverability in the sense that, you remove recipients that don't open your emails. Keep your eyes on inactive subscribers. I check mine every day and check out who's not opening my email, then, after two weeks if the recipient isn't opening I remove the person from my list. Yeah, you may be thinking but this person subscribed personally to join my list, why isn't he opening, that's where graymail comes in; GRAY MAI

Sending Right Emails

 Sending rights emails is not really a big task, quite simple but we do it wrongly, that's why your open rate and click rate are very low. Here are three steps to send the right email: •  The right person. •  At the right time.  •  Send the right emails. • Sending to the right person matters a lot, because we don't just send out emails to anybody, that's why email scrapping and buying an email list is not recommended. Sending emails to people who didn't opt in can reduce your deliverability. Sending emails to the right persons is crucial, that's where segmentation comes in.                Segmentation plays an important role in sending the right emails because It separates the people who want to join your email list and people who don't want to. For you to get the best of open and click rates, send emails to people who opt-in only and want to hear from you. Learn to segment your list!  • Sending at the right time: About 121 emails enter people's inboxes per

Two Emails You Should Send After Sending A Welcome Email

 After sending a welcome email, and appreciating them for joining your list, that's not all, we just completed the first step, but there are still steps to take in other to convert and retain your customers.  The first type of email you should send, you should be telling them about your brand;           -  Tell them your brand story.            -  What our brand will offer you.           -  Benefits of shopping with our brand.            -  Quality Standard. This email should be sent a day or two after sending the welcome email.  Then the second email you should send must focus on;                 -  Customers reviews; What customers are saying about your brand              -  Showcase your popular products and try a discount. This email should be sent 2 to 3 days after these. After sending these two emails, your customers should be able to trust your brand.