Know This Before Sending Your Email Campaign
Campaign monitor defines an email campaign as a coordinated set of individual email messages that are deployed across a specific period with one specific purpose. These specific purposes or calls-to-action (CTAs) can include the following: download a white paper, sign up for a webinar, or make a purchase. Sending email campaigns might be quite easy but you have to be mindful of these points before sending your campaign. BEFORE SENDING EMAILS YOU SHOULD NOTE THIS: 1. Know why you are sending the campaign: We don't just wake up and suddenly decide, you gonna send a campaign today, before sending campaigns you got to know why you want to send the campaign. Read the definition of an email campaign by campaign monitor, as a coordinated set of individual email messages that are deployed across a specific period with one specific purpose. So when sending campaigns it should have a particular purpose, know why you are sending the campaign. For example: • You send campaigns to ...